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Hey! This section contains exclusive content as part of our paid Train With Arena Monthly Program. To view this page, you'll need to sign up to the Train with Arena App Yearly Subscription, 60 Day Free App Trial or GET 50% OFF YEARLY APP MEMBERSHIP.
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Train With Arena is our online strength and toning program for women suitable for all levels from beginner to advanced. Our workouts are extremely effective and will increase your strength and tone your body in as little as 15 minutes per day. Only resistance bands required. WHAT’S INCLUDED WHEN YOU JOIN TRAIN WITH ARENA?
  • Monthly Structured GLUTE PROGRAM: This will activate your glutes, deactivate your quads and build serious strength and booty! We provide comprehensive done-for-you daily workouts all month long. They are glute dominant exercises only to begin with. They get progressively harder over time so you'll see awesome results.
  • UNLIMITED SUPPORT: Access to our Premium Facebook Support Group to help you stay motivated, accountable and you can ask any questions.
  • LOW IMPACT Training: Ideal training to help strengthen after (or prevent) a back or knee injury
  • BOOTY GROWTH/TONING: We show you the best movements to grow and tone your booty and legs
  • PREMIUM support & accountability to keep you on track. We'll have a premium Facebook Group for program participants!
  • AFFORDABLE! You can cancel anytime too so sign up as long as you need 😊
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Month 1: 30-Day Glute Activation Program Level 1

This program is designed to wake up your glutes and train them to activate. You’ll receive a 50-page e-book with a detailed daily workout and full demonstration photos and instructions. This program is only GLUTE DOMINANT exercises so it’s perfect to wake up your glutes. This is ideal for anyone who struggles with overactive quads!

Month 2: 30-Day Glute Activation Program Level 2

Your glutes are now fired and you’re enjoying how lifted and toned they look. We’re now going to take it to the next level!!! You’ll receive a 50-page e-book with more advanced daily movements. After this month you’ll see an incredible lift, tone and firmness in your glutes and lower body. You’ll also have a new level of stability and mobility to protect you against injury.

Month 3 Onwards: Glute Focused Full Body Training Program

Release of our training app! Every month we’ll share with you 4 X Weekly Full Body Workouts that will not only continue to firm your booty but will also strengthen and tone your upper body and core. We’ll also regularly be releasing specialised additional programs like 30-Day Flexibility. Our app will include full demonstration videos and an additional workout library full of exercises and follow-along videos.

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